Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Convention - a Focolare and Theresiana affair?

The 15th Biennial Convention of the Sanguniang Laiko ng Pilipinas is supposedly a national convention of all affiliated lay organizations and archdiocesan/diocesan councils of the laity. Thus participation should have been maximized from the member-organizations.

During the 14th Biennial Convention, different moderators and emcees were assigned each day. Sharers were tapped  from different organizations.

For the 15th Convention, there is only 1 set of moderator and emcee for the 3-day convention. MOST of the lay speakers and sharers were either from Focolare or Theresiana.

It seems to me that the convention was a showcase of the 2 organizations.

I am sad because the theme of the convention is "A Path to Unity", and yet the convention was monopolized by lay leaders of the 2 organizations. How can we achieve unity as a lay organization if we don't share the responsibilities with others?

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